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Careers at Hi Soft

As China's most trusted software outsourcing provider, hiSoft's employees are quintessential to insuring our client's success. It is our philosophy that only the most qualified employees in highly tailored roles will maintain our position as the premier, reliable IT outsourcing partner in China for the world's leading enterprises. Employees are our most valued resource, and as a result we go through great pains to attract, employ and retain China's top IT talent. hiSoft is always seeking smart, knowledgeable, aggressive employees with integrity and first-rate English communication skills. If this describes you, we would love to hear from you at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ' ); //-->" mce_href="mailto: ' ); //-->\n ' ); //--> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ' ); //--> ">

Career Development
Our employees continued education and personal growth are the most important investments we make at hiSoft. Obtaining top IT certifications and English language certifications are essential for our employees' growth. We believe as the expertise amongst our team grows, so too does our strength as a company and our business value to our clients. hiSoft fosters employees to drive their own development path and build personal growth plans to clearly meet their unique objectives. Once our employees have created their desired growth plans, we then identify their training needs and implement their unique plan. At hiSoft, your growth potential has no limitations and rests in your hands.
Training Programs
At hiSoft, learning has no boundaries. Employees are encouraged to further their career through continued workplace learning and on and offsite training courses and certifications. hiSoft offers hundreds of training courses throughout the year, including technology, globalization, Q/A testing, sales, and leadership training classes. We support our employees' growth at their desired pace, allowing them free reign to explore new areas or enhance their existing knowledge.
Employment Opportunities
We offer a very competitive compensation program including benefits and bonus incentives. Below are positions we are actively looking to fill:
Please check back soon for details regarding currently open positions.
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